Discover Your Savings as a PTPN Member
When you become a PTPN member, you gain access to discounts on everything you need to run a successful practice—so you can save more money and offer your patients higher-quality service. Find out exactly how much you could be saving in two easy steps.
Step 1: Calculate Your Preferred Vendor and Service Discounts
It’s expensive to run a private practice—but we believe cost shouldn’t keep you from operating successfully. PTPN’s Preferred Vendors offer discounts and special pricing to PTPN members.
Hear from our members
“PTPN is one of the best investments we’ve made. It keeps us on top of things that we here in the trenches don’t have time to do ourselves.”

Tom Sawhill, PT
South Valley Physical Therapy
Step 2: Generate Additional Revenue Through Managed Care Contracts
After calculating how much you could save on daily services and equipment, don’t forget to include the additional patients and higher income you can expect through our robust managed care contracts. Last year, PTPN members generated $77 million in claims volume thanks to our contracts. To find out how much you could make in your location, contact your local PTPN office.
Grow Faster with PTPN
“PTPN expedites the credentialing process and provides access to insurances that I was told had a closed panel. This has brought a significant increase in revenue due to our ability to help patients that otherwise would have sought out other options.”
“None better. Always on our side. The ease of credentialing and the ability to provide for so many insurance providers is outstanding.”
“I am glad to be part of PTPN. The regular guidance and updates on current changes, most importantly Medicare, have been very helpful. PTPN is an asset to our community.”
“We value our membership and feel PTPN does an excellent job advocating for our profession.”
“PTPN has been a great asset to my company, and I would definitely recommend it to any other practice because of all the built-in benefits PTPN brings.”
“PTPN is one of the best investments we’ve made. It keeps us on top of things that we here in the trenches don’t have time to do ourselves.”
“As a busy clinic owner and clinician, I find PTPN valuable both in keeping me abreast of breaking news in the physical therapy world that affects my practice and in securing contracts with payers.”
“The PTPN staff is awesome! They are very knowledgeable about current issues and always give over 100% of their time and efforts to make sure that they answer any questions we may have and to make sure that we understand the answer.”
Are you ready to start saving more time and money?
You no longer have to waste time looking for the best deals or worry you’ve overpaying for a service. With PTPN, we handle it for you—so you know you’re getting the best deal every time. Become a member today to access your discounts!